What is the difference between the client-server model of networking and peer-to-peer?
What is the difference between a Local Area Network (LAN) and and Wide Area Network (WAN)?
What are thin and thick clients and what are the benefits of each approach?
What are hash codes and how are they useful in programming?
An introduction to Register Transfer Notation and how it is used to describe the fetch/execute cycle of a CPU.
What is the difference between serial, sequential and random file access?
An explanation of Object Oriented Programming with examples in Python.
An explanataion of the Von Neumann computer architecture and how registers are used.
How are negative numbers represented in binary?
What’s the difference between the imperative and declarative paradigms in programming languages?
How are decimal numbers converted to IEEE 754 standard floating point in binary?
How real numbers can be represented in binary using floating point with the IEEE 754 standard.
What is assembly language and how does it relate to machine code?
An introduction to assembly language, instructions and addressing modes.
How does the bubble sort algorithm work?
Why does a computer need an operating system (O/S) and what does it do?
An explanation of how an SR latch logic circuit works in detail.
What are SR and JK flip-flops and latches and how do they work?
How does the insertion sort algorithm work and how can it be implemented in Python?
What are linked lists and how are they used?